Get To Know
Coach Dawn


Who is Dawn Johnson?

o   A motivator, mentor
o   Elite track coach since 2006
A seasoned corporate sales leader with 22+ years of direct, consumer sales experience in high-demand food industries
A mission-driven leader with a purpose to positively impact communities

Education and certifications

o   Bachelor of arts from Purdue University
John C. Maxwell-certified coach, trainer, and speaker
YWCA-certified racial justice facilitator

Community connections

o   Board member—Redeemer Center for Life (RCFL)
Women’s Network member

Dawn’s Journey to Coach

Core Values

Here are some of the key tenants/values that Dawn follows in her coaching:

  • We need to have trust; no healing takes place without trust.

  • She is passionate about:

    • Being a guide.

    • Connecting you to the love that you have in yourself.

    • Demonstrating that joy is a divine right; it’s not your fault your missing out on it.

    • Showing that perfection is not realistic, but excellence is

  • Focus on healing.

  • Focus on the good.

  • Don’t start out with labels. They come from our families, community, and environment and are often off-target.

  • Things can be changed tomorrow.

  • Don’t allow emotions to govern, but acknowledge them. If you’re hurting, what’s the next step?

  • Coaching is an act of love.

  • Follow The Four Agreements by Don Miguel:

    • Be impeccable with your word.

    • Don’t take anything personally.

    • Don’t make assumptions.

    • Always do your best.

The Process

Dawn largely follows a self-guided process  -- Dawn guides you through the process, helping you discover answers.

  • We start the process wherever you are in your life challenges.

  • Deal with today, not yesterday or tomorrow.

  • Use unique personality assessments; not just basic questions. Go deeper with emotions.

  • Identify what’s holding person back. People forget they’re good.

  • Use holistic approach to connect.

Ready to Start Your Journey?